
Queenslands premier Ultimate Frisbee Hat tournament
This is a mixed Hat tournament for all ages, skill levels and more!

Queensland Hat II 2012
Venue: Annerley Football Club (Field 1 Clubhouse is Tournament Central)
Date: 24th and 25th November
Time: 10am-5pm Saturday (10:30am first game starts)
9am - 3pm Sunday
Cost: TBA

Thursday, November 24, 2011

QHat Tomorrow!

Hey you mad Q-Hatters

(If you've signed up in the past week please let us know some important things:
1. do you have any food allergies/need to let us know about your diet - plz do so.
2. Read the rest of this email and consult the blog if you have any questions before emailing me (Not cause Im rude and I dont want emails - I just will not be able to respond to them by tomorrow, sorry)


Some more things you need to know for tomorrow:

Time of the days play
We are playing the first games at 1pm
Teams are announced at 12.30pm
So please get to the fields at 12pm
We will play through til 7.20pm and dinner is provided

We begin again at 8am and the final will be show- cased over lunch so we should wrap up around 1-1.30pm

If you are playing one day (more accurately just the Saturday)
You will get a jersey (obviously that's why you pay the fees) but depending on numbers we might have a case where it would be great to get your jersey back at the end of the days play (to allow your replacement to play in the same colour as their team mates), in exchange for a reserved other colour. At this stage we will have plenty of left over tops so don't stress out. I just want to ensure that people playing just the Sunday get the same colour top to play in as the rest of their team. So just a heads up. It probably wont come to that but just so you know. Thanks for understanding.

> Please bring the usual ultimate tournament gear, ie:
 Waterbottle(s), hat, sunscreen (we will also provide teams a bottle), mess kit including plate, bowl, cutlery and cup, a disc (dont bring 5 or something silly like that - they will get lost), any extra snacks that you know/think you might need to keep yourself running and energised.

Does any one have room to billet some of our inter-city friends? Please email me and let me know. We need to find room for at least 3 ppl at this stage.
(if you are one of these ppl looking to be billeted can you please let me know if you've found a place to stay since signing up)

We are kicking on at the BrewHouse


This is immediately following the close of play on the Saturday night. Click on their link to find out how to get there. But essentially you can catch a bus from the ground on the night.
"But won't I be smelly from playing" you ask???
The club house showers will be open just for you smelly fellows to shower off and get changed into nicer clothing (BUT I encourage you to wear your QHat Jersey out)

Please everyone continue to get your payment in. We can only go out and buy food for you etc with money. Bank transfer:
BSB 034 000 Acc 515472
Please put some sort of identification on your transfer (ie Name or AFDA# what ever...)
Again the costs are: $70 for both days and $45 for a single day.

One last thing
For all you regular Brisbane Ultimate players (and everyone else), We are playing at the MENS field at Annerley Soccer Club. This is at Ekibin Park. This isn't the usual field with the bridge across the drain. Its the one across the road from the bowls club - FYI.

Get excited!


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